This retro-futuristic series of work echoes the European geo-movements of the past and brings them into the contemporary era by infusing a sense of self, identity and femininity into geometric patterns.
“I wanted to create a series of work that deconstructs some of the powerful natural forces that guide our world, like gravity, light, lands, skies and sea. The Earth orbits around in its year long cycle around a circular massive ball of energy, the round nucleus of a living cell is its powerhouse, and every cell is made up of atoms where neutrons, protons and electrons similarly orbit in circles around it. Circles also represent the cycles humans strive to break but still go back to, it is the passage of time: night after night repeating itself, and histories of the world similarly begin to predict the unknowns of tomorrow. It was my intention to use geometric abstraction to simplify the powers that enable us to live on this Earth. In previous works I have heavily relied on nature to be the backbone of my inspiration and it is no different here, portrayed instead via symbolic shapes (circles, hexagons, and other polygons), directional lines that guide your eye across the paintings drawing you in, bold color schemes and composition. My hope is that the audience will get lost in my paintings and on reflection discover something they hadn’t before.”